Coming Home: Day 3, San Diego, CA

Photo by Laura and Blackberry
Photo: Last picture taken with 2001 Chrystler 300M (Steve). Ten months, twenty-one thousand miles, one tow, six oil changes, twenty-five states, no tickets, no flats, three new drive-shafts, and five-bungi-cords-holding-bumper-together later, "Steve" has been traded for a 2006 Nissan Sentra. No name yet.
So, Laura and I have not spent more then four days with each other since July, 2007. We are now embarking on a thirty-day cross-country tourist fest. I will be taking many pictures, all of which (thankfully!) will be completely unrelated to Boonville.
It's been great being reunited with Laura. But in a small car together for thirty days? We will either have the greatest time, want to kill each other, or both--Please stay tuned! Laura is writing a blog about the trip as well: Roemer's Reality
We are off to the Grand Canyon on Tuesday!
Labels: coming home
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